By Staff Writer Bella Mezzaroba

Over 43,000 people ran the Broad Street Run, on May 4th 2014. The race began at Broad and Fisher Avenue and ended approximately 1/4 of a mile into the Navy Yard. In total, a 10 mile run taking the competitors through North Philly neighborhoods and down to South Philly row homes.
The starting line was packed. People from all walks of life came to run. From Student’s Run teams to woman like 84 year-old Lorraine Cephus who has ran all 35 Broad Street Runs. There were “corrals” where people gathered de
The first few miles were congested with runners passing and stopping to use the porta potty’s. It really was a mess. By mile 4, however, the crowd began to disperse and the hardest part was over.
I would say that the first 4 miles took the most out of me. Seeing City Hall so far in the distance made me dread the rest of the miles I had to run. After I passed City Hall though, everything was fantastic. There were people with signs cheering on the runners and school marching bands playing, “Eye of the Tiger.” I seen family and friends from my South Philly neighborhood standing on street corners with cowbells and pom poms. It felt amazing.
Even though I didn’t finish with the best time, It was my first Broad Street run and the longest I’ve ever gone. It’s a fantastic feeling and I can’t wait for next year.

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