Eric Valenti
Staff Writer
A Quiet Place has received spectacular reviews after its release on April 6, 2018/ Despite ridiculously high hopes for the groundbreaking silent film, Director and starring actor John Krasinski managed to knock his third movie in the director’s chair out of the park..
I thought it was so cool that someone could make a silent horror movie. The silent aspect of this movie is part of why I think this movie has gotten such great reviews.

The movie follows a small family in 2020. Most of the Earth has been wiped out within three months by blind alien creatures with hypersensitive hearing. The creatures are fast, armored and huge. When they hear even the smallest noise they use this trait to locate their prey and attack. The Abbott family has created an assortment of tactics to avoid making noises, such as laying sand in trails to different stores and parts of their home and have set up different colored lights for different situations. The Abbott’s got extremely careful after the loss of their youngest son. The basic premise of the movie focuses on how this family tries to survive by making no noise at all. The biggest thing the family has to keep quiet is when the mother goes into labor, and what they do is pretty creative.
Plotwise, the movie is relatively simple However, the thing that got the movie such a high rating is the aspect of making everything silent. Every noise you heard made you jump in your seat. You don’t hear anyone speak until 45 minutes into the movie. When you hear the first person speak, in you head your saying: “Oh thank god, I thought I was losing my mind.” But I think that’s what the director wanted to feel. He made you feel like you went deaf.
The acting in the film is great, the characters are super unique and relatable. The setting is eerie, it’s a farmhouse in the middle of a forest. The movie is a 10/10 plot and character wise.
If you’re looking for a film with an intricate plot, look somewhere else. But if your looking for a film that makes you scared to breath, A Quiet Place is perfect for you.
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