Claire Powell
Staff Writer
Science Leadership Academy is located in center city, Philadelphia. At Broad and Green, we have many businesses less than a block away from our school. The broad street line also is less than a block away from SLA. We have everything at our fingertips, yet we are not able to exercise these benefits. I believe many students would support the opportunity to leave school, grab a quick lunch from the food trucks, and then head back to school.
SLA’s lunch period is an hour and five minutes. This is actually the longest lunch in the school district of Philadelphia. Seniors should be able to leave, grab a bite to eat, and make it back with more than enough time to get to our next class. Back at 22nd and Arch, seniors were granted that privilege and I don’t see a reason not to bring it back. We are responsible enough, so why aren’t we able to leave now?
Our seniority should grant us the responsibility to leave the building. It almost seems like such a waste that we have Starbucks, CVS, Dunkin’, so close yet we aren’t able to go. I think that SLA prides themselves in the freedom of their students, but we aren’t able to use this to our benefit. Schools like String Theory, and Central, allow their senior class to leave the building during lunch periods. Those students are granted the right and they have not had any serious issues.
Many students rush out of bed every morning to head to school. They don’t have time to pack lunches, and let’s be honest, the school lunches are not quite filling. Being able to leave and get food would even benefit the students. They would be full after lunch, and therefore participate better in class. How are we Teachers would greatly appreciate this.
As long as we can prove our responsibility, I believe we should have the option to leave the building during our lunch band. Students are able to get to school safely and get home as well. So leaving during the day wouldn’t be any different. The school officers are still on duty, we would have our ID’s, everything would be the same. And I believe students would really appreciate it.
Students at this school have proven their responsibilities time and time again. Seniors have gone through almost two years of virtual school, moved spaces, and adjusted to the new building. This is our last year. I believe we have earned our redemption at this school. Many students are 18, this means they are able to vote. Many students can even drive, yet we aren’t even able to leave the school building for a short amount of time? Students at SLA are driven, dedicated, and intellectually creative. If the school were to grant us this opportunity, students would greatly appreciate it.

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