Staff Writer
Christmas is rolling around and it’s normal for people to say: “Tis the season to be jolly”. Well for me, “Tis the season to be pulling my hair out!”
Reason why?
College Applications.
Without a doubt, I can say that this has been one of the most stressful processes I’ve been through in my teenage years. Going into it, I knew that there would lots of work involved, but I wasn’t prepared for just how much work was involved. It doesn’t help that my procrastination has made the process harder for myself. But we’ll get into that later.
To better start off, I’ll tell you guys about my specific choices for college. I’ve chosen to apply to these seven schools: Columbia University, Macalester College, University of Pittsburgh , Hofstra University, Bard College, Drexel University, and finally Carleton College. Although this may seem like a lot of choices, this is nothing compared to some of my comrades. I have some friends applying to as many as twenty colleges!
You heard me right, twenty.
Of course with the new-and-improved Common Application, students can easily apply to many different schools. For me, seven was enough.
For each of these schools comes my most hated enemy: deadlines. Within these deadlines, I’ve got to do things like: fill out the Common App itself, request letters of recommendation from teachers, requests transcripts, send SAT/ACT scores; the list goes on. It doesn’t help that this is compounded by things like supplements, which can range from simple surveys to full-blown essays.
Sound like a lot?
Now take all of that and add on the normal workload of a SLA senior, and it’s a pretty heavy weight to carry.
When the school year started and I looked at the deadlines for my schools, I saw that all of my applications were due in January. To me, I naively thought: “I’ve got like 3 months to do this stuff, I can just wait later…right?”
I’ll be the first to admit it…. I. Messed. Up. I certainly haven’t taken advantage of the resources given to me: specifically the college office. I’ve been lazy about finishing my Common App, sending my scores and transcripts, and even applying for scholarships.
But don’t worry guys, I’m not a complete lost cause.
As of me writing this, I’m almost done applying for all my colleges and I’ve just need to send some final stuff in, including SAT/ACT scores along with another letter of recommendation.
I’m also applying for the Gates Millenium Scholarship, but don’t even get me started on THAT…
A few words for that:
And one more time, ESSAYS.
Here’s the thing though, I should’ve done this stuff MONTHS AGO. Looking back on it, I wished I’d done away with the stuff so much sooner, this way I wouldn’t be so stressed right now and this wouldn’t be something I’d be writing about.
I should be enjoying the holidays, not driving myself bonkers.
All in all, here’s a bit of advice to SLA’s junior class: DO NOT BE LIKE ME. Take advantage of what you have here at SLA. Utilize Ms. Hirschfield, The College Office, and anything else to fullest, even the English teachers.
Early bird always gets the worm, guys.
Wiser words have never been written, my friend.