High school students are rarely this successful when starting a sport so late in high school, but Wallace has achieved this all since beginning to play in his juniors year. Wallace’s sheer commitment to his team helps keep his eye on the ball. This is his first year starting goalie consistently. but he doesn’t plan on it being his last. He considers college soccer an “option” in his future. If not, he will have still played a key role in taking the Rockets to this year’s playoffs.
Wallace’s leadership skills are present off the field as well. Before every game, he leads the team in a prayer of sorts and warns them to keep their minds focused and energetic. Even on the field, he alternates between leading stretches, jogs, and drills to warm up the entire team. They more than appreciate his presence and share wonderful sentiments about him. Teammate Ruben Burenstein says, “I love Doug sometimes. I don’t love him in school, but I love him playing soccer.”