Gabrielle Kreidie

Guest Writer
We are here, the day of the Presidential Election. After over a year of non stop media obsession, months of countless candidates during an unforgettable primary season, and weeks of surprise after surprise for the two top party candidates, we are days away. Days away from electing the 45th President of the United States of America and our country couldn’t be more tense.
The surprises started after a flawed debate performance from the Republican nominee when a few days later, a sexist video representing Donald Trump’s past comments on women began circulating. It seemed like from that day forward, Mr. Trump had no path forward to the highest office in the U.S.. That changed with the Wikileaks investigating into the emails of Clinton’s long term aide John Podesta, released in a segments for the last few weeks ago. These new batches being released daily, show more and more deeply concerning communications, bribes, and possible flawed decisions from an already imperfect Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her defective circle of top aides filled with billions of secrets and inconsistencies. These leaks simply continued the dishonest and skewed thoughts millions of Americans have for a person they think embody everything that is wrong with the political world today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Though these Wikileaks findings were digging close into the heart of a majority of Americans views on Secretary of State Clinton, there were no deep poll numbers or bumps in her campaign. That was until Friday October 28th, which could have been the large turning point for the election. October 28th, 2016, could very well be one of those dates that everyone will remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news. The words through my mind and I’m sure many more, was “not more Clinton emails!”.
After months of the nonstop scandalous depictions of Mrs. Clinton’s emails, the FBI and Justice Department were unable to find reasonable evidence to serve Hillary with criminal charges. FBI Director James Comey found that Hillary’s decision was “extremely careless” but gave no indication of charging the Democratic nominee. We all thought that that would be the end of the emails… but then Anthony Weiner happened.
The disgraced, sex scandal complete former Congressman and candidate for NYC mayor, was discovered to have messaged lude comments to an underage girl. The FBI began investigating Mr. Weiner immediately after the accusations were brought to their attention. As soon as the story came out, Huma Abedin–Mr. Weiner’s wife and long time aide to Hillary Clinton– announced her plans to divorce her shamed husband. During the investigation into the messages, the FBI came across the device that was shared between Weiner and Abedin. This device stored emails related to Hillary Clinton that had not been originally looked at in the first investigation. The FBI obtained a warrant and now are searching those emails. Up until Saturday November 5th, it seemed like the investigation would go on for weeks but finally a follow up of the words heard in July came out and Hillary was cleared. From that point forward, Hillary Clinton has had the easier fly to the White House.
So here we stand. Two weeks ago, it seemed like Hillary Clinton was on her way to the office she has obsessively chased for decades and could still very much get there with 320+ Electoral Votes. But you can never trust or call victory to a Clinton to early. With the ever present lack of trustworthiness and lies that follow the Clinton’s and their team everywhere they turn, there is a possibility that this election may not be hers. National polls are closer than ever. State polls are so inconsistent within each other that now pollsters are saying that states that were once seen as Clinton (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin) bets could go either way. With hours until the election arrives, and with Clinton and Trump just about tying with dishonesty and unpopularity nationwide, the election is seeming more and more like a tossup. Today is the day. These have turned out to be the most stressful days for the American people and surprises could be lurking around every corner throughout the day. Nothing can happen, everything can happen, anything can happen. The not knowing and the inconsistencies of a Trump presidency are growing by the hour. And we are voting today, we are voting TODAY.
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