Despite the Philadelphia School District shuttering around 40 schools and almost not being able to open on time this year, the district for the 2014-2015 year is opening 3 new schools. The schools, building21, The U School, and The LINC are all now accepting applications for their inaugural school years’.
According to Philadelphia’s The Notebook, “These innovative schools will share common educational features: They will be small, proficiency-based, focused on youth development, and connected to real-world experience. (See this guide from the District for a short primer on the new school models.)”
These schools will be opening admissions to students citywide but generally want most of their student body to be made up of kids from the neighbor hood, since all three now inhabit what was a neighborhood school.
For student’s interested, additional information sessions will be held on April 11, 5-8 p.m. at Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, 2800 W. Cheltenham Ave.
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