Biran Mahmoud
Staff Writer
Since the start of the school year, there have been multiple physical altercations between students from the many high schools near Broad and Spring Garden.
What does this mean for the safety of SLA students?
If any students that go to SLA get asked whether they have seen a fight or not most will respond with either they have seen it or heard it from a friend. The southwest corner of Broad and Spring garden, in front of the CVS, has been a location for repeated problems.
Is this affecting how students feel outside of the school building?
Sophomore Leo Braveman stated that during the school day, he feels safe — but “When I stay late, I don’t feel safe and have to stay vigilant and on the subway. At night I don’t feel safe,”
As for fights in and around school, Braveman reported, “I Have not seen any outside of school but I have seen a fight on Ben Franklin’s side through the glass thing that separates our side and theirs.”
So one would think about what should be done to prevent fights from happening?
Sophomore Nate Manyara said that “ there should be more security in the subway and school.”
Sophomore Zane Friedman said had thoughts about what would make the building more secure on the inside, “ They need to put people in the stairwell to make sure no one is skipping because that’s how fights start.”
His viewpoint comes from the fact that he has witnessed physical altercations in the stairwell that both schools share.
When asked about what the school administrations are doing about school safety, Principal Lehmann addressed the issue.
“We are working with the School District of Philadelphia and Benjamin Franklin Administration to ensure that all students at the Broad St. Campus are safe,” he said.
“Several options include looking at extra staffing and technological solutions to ensure the physical integrity of each school.”
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