Melissa Alvarez
Staff Writer
At 7:55 AM on March 17th, there was a power outage in the SLA center city building. Not to the surprise of many teachers, the students were ecstatic hoping for an early dismissal. Everyone was sent up to their advisories to wait and hear what would happen next.
At around 8:45 AM all the lights went on and the power returned leaving students disappointedly trudging to their first period classes.
This begs the question though, what happened?
ILP Coordinator Jeremy Spry told SLA Media, “Our power went off and about three hundred other residents’ power also went out. We don’t know the cause of it. Once the power went out we contacted Philly Management who are our landlords and they went to PECO to try and get an answer. We had no real time frame of when the power was going to return so Mr.Lehmann contacted Dennis Creedon who is his boss to ask for guidance. But we are not allowed ever to release students from school without approval from the School District of Philadelphia.”
We also asked a few students what they thought about the black out, here’s some of their responses:

If you have an opinion or story to share about past SLA black outs, comment below!
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