SLAMedia is a publication of the news for the Science Leadership Academy community. Writers come from the student body in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. We work in unison to create a functioning paper with biweekly postings on a variety of events.
Locker Talk: What course do you really want next year and why?
Junior, Amanda Cartagena- “Anatomy because it has to do with what I want to study in college.”Freshman, Zoe Schwingel-Sauer. – “I want journalism because I want to further my experience in writing. “Sophomore, Dylan Long- “Music because I took it this year and colleges like consistency.”Senior, Andrew Calfen- “I want to major in economics because I like the study of money.”Junior, Martez Card- “I want to take statistics because it’s math and I’m good at math.”Senior, Mohammed Marzouk- “Government because it’s easier than math”
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