Staff Writer:
Aylin Echandy
Men are planning to overturn Roe Vs Wade!
The abortion topic is sensitive to some and open to others, but it isn’t about how people feel but instead about woman rights to make decisions.
There is an outroar of rage in the U.S due to the leak of a Supreme Court draft decision suggesting if women have the right to decide what to do with and to their uterus; whether they can make the decision of an abortion.
A quick history lesson: Roe Vs Wade took place in 1973 and was a landmark decision of the U.S Supreme Court in which the Court ruled whether or not it protects a pregnant woman’s liberty and freedom to choose to have an abortion without the government saying it’s forbidden.
Over the last few weeks since hearing the news there have been protests all over supporting the idea that women should be able to determine what is done to their body without the consent of men, who by the way don’t have uteruses and will never have to face the question of whether they need an abortion.
Personally, I believe that having access to abortions is essential because birth can lead to death due to how dangerous giving birth is. In addition, Not everyone can support raising a child, not everyone is fit to be a mother, not everyone’s baby has appropriately entered the uterus, and not everyone has conceived consensually.
My opinion is influenced by the facts.
Roe vs Wade is planning on banning aborts at six weeks or more, which isn’t even justice because it can take up to three weeks or more for a woman to go through the process of becoming pregnant. Even if pregnant, the hCG hormone produced by the placenta cannot be fully detected that soon; every woman’s body is different. Pregnancy symptoms may or may not occur that soon, even if this overturning gives women little time to decide or gives no time at all for the decision, since the decision is being made for them. This act of banning abortions is humane because risks are being overlooked and abortions are being jumped to the conclusion of murder. The government doesn’t know the risks of women being pregnant, they only know what they want to hear.
Birth is the closest thing a woman can have that is naturally close to death. Women die from giving birth because of the amount of blood that is lost, risks, or from things going wrong. There are statistics that prove African- American women are more subject to death than any other race. To ban abortion would lead to a warcry for those who will lose their relative due to the circumstances of birth. It is unfit and unfair to force a woman into a life or death situation, knowing that the baby is the only thing being cared about. So by women being forced to give birth, the world will lose more women.
The possibility of women’s lives being put in danger — which includes the challenge of raising an unwanted child — brings up many difficult questions.
What will happen after the mother dies? Who will supply if the mother is in need? What if it is an ectopic pregnancy? What if the woman is a rape victim? What if it was incest? What if postpartum or pregnancy depression leads to suicide? These are the questions that flow through my mind when I think of the Supreme Court banning abortions.
What will happen when the Supreme Court rules that women do not have the right to have an abortion, but can’t answer the questions above? Being told that aborting isn’t a women’s right can be a life or death situation for women.
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