by Maya Smelser
Staff Writer
Everybody loves lunch. For obvious reasons, It’s a lot of people’s favorite period of the day. The list of lunch spots at SLA isn’t too long. Students have five options—
First off, there is also an actual lunchroom, but it’s always full of freshmen, seeing as they are obligated to eat there. The line to get lunch is always long, usually almost out the door. I’ve never gotten school lunch, but I have waited in the line with my friends who do. The rest of the room is full of tables and chairs, some decorated with the Rockets emblem.

The terrace is my personal favorite, but it definitely has its cons. I love it because I can be outside and get fresh air. I also like that I can take a long break from my mask. Students will sometimes play sports up there. You do have to watch out unless you want a football to the head or a frisbee in your lunch. The weather is also a big factor. There have been multiple instances where I found myself shivering while eating my sandwich or having to get paper towels from the bathroom to wipe down the seats because it rained the night before. It is always a pain to walk all the way to the sixth floor, but I think it’s definitely worth it. As long weather and my legs allow, I always eat there.
The most popular place to eat is the commons, located on the first floor. It’s big and has lots of room for people to sit. It’s very close to where food is served and the vending machine. But I hate eating there. I find it overwhelming. It’s always loud and busy. For the first few weeks, I ate here exclusively. Then I discovered the terrace and never looked back. I don’t mind the balconies overlooking the commons, but they are usually just as loud.
Next is the ballroom. Being on the second floor, it is fairly close to the lunchroom and vending machine too. There are only a few tables and chairs, so it’s not as big or loud as the commons. It’s almost like a mini version of the commons. If you have ever visited the ballroom, you’ve probably seen the whiteboard. Students doodle and write all over it. It’s always so fun to see what new things people have added and to make my own additions. If I am too tired to make the trek to the terrace, I normally eat here.
Depending on who catches you, students can also eat in the darkrooms at the end of most floors. I have only ever done classwork there but it seems nice and secluded. The only downside is the possibility of getting kicked out by a teacher or administrator.
We all have our favorite place to eat lunch!
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