by Corinthia Bell
Have you ever wanted to not do your homework? You’re not the only one, many teens here always procrastinate either because they don’t feel like doing their work or find something else better to do during that time. Procrastination can turn you into someone different.
At SLA, not only does procrastination exist, but students have their own special ways of putting off the work that needs to get done. There’s always projects and especially during benchmark season. Most students will take note of when their project is due and start brainstorming a few things of what to do. Then when the week of when its due comes they quickly finish it and submit, not knowing if there’s something they forgot to mention or if its not the right thing they want to truly communicate.
Procrastination can also weaken your effort in things, if you have your mind on something you want to complete you should do it now instead of waiting. If you wait then you might lose your thought of what you want to write and soon forget about it and you wont have the feels anymore. But some say “my work comes best at last”, that is true but not everyone is that type of person. If you are that kind of person, good for you. But still consider in not waiting for the last minute in things because there’s probably something else you want to accomplish. Things that can contribute to procrastination are social media, texting, television, video games and just plain laziness. When we take act in such entertainment, we’re distracted from our main focus and fall deep into misery. It hurts us later but not the very moment we’re not thinking of it but most people finish their work. That work may come out poor or incorrect cause you probably just “wrote anything” or “tried your best”, but was it really what you wanted?
SLA students procrastinate more than the average teen because here we have more freedom in things are offered laptops. We have the opportunity to talk and go to our teachers anytime, about anything. We have the ability to pull out our phones in class because we are encouraged to.
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