Lauren Nicolella
Staff Writer

The Norwegian teen-drama show SKAM has now produced recent reboot in different places all around the world, such as Italy, France, and in the United States. Each contains the same main characters, but with different people and variation in names and genders.
If you’re unfamiliar with season one of SKAM, it is focused on Eva, a red-headed girl who has boyfriend issues revolving around suspicion relating to her ex-best friend. Each of the shows has their variations of who plays main iconic characters such as Eva, Nora, Jonas, and many others apart from the main crew who appear later in the season.
In the first couple episodes, the main focus is Eva going to an Easter party, and the dialogue for one of the confrontation scenes is pretty much identical to the original in each of the remakes. It is interesting to see how the new actors and actresses take on these characters as their own, especially since the original cast each created a classic look for themselves, especially Nora and her fashion.
Some who have already watched the original SKAM seasons were asked about how the new shows, and if they would be able to top the way the Norwegians were able to deliver it.
Junior Charlotte Kaplan from Friends Select School has closely followed along with the show and was very excited to see the announcement of new shows.
“I really like the new versions! They’re kinda like the original versions, but nothing will ever top regular SKAM. It’s definitely the best one,” Kaplan explained.
Junior Taylor Green has watched all of the SKAM shows, except for the one based in Austin, Texas. She initially noticed how each of them had very specific similarities and noticeable differences.
“In the one episode of the Italian one it was Eva on the phone and she was talking about how a girls’ septum piercing looked bad, but in the French one, the conversation was switched to be about fake eyelashes instead. Little changes like that make it unique and I’m interested to see how else they change up other characters and pieces of the show,” Green explained.
Green also spoke about how she loves SKAM specifically because of all the fashion, music, and mainly the way the actors are real teenagers. All of that stuck for the remakes, the main priority is to have real teenagers play their appropriate parts.
“I feel like that’s very rare for teen dramas, and made it much more relatable to watch,” says Taylor. “Seeing how some of the characters dressed inspired me to dress more aesthetically appealing. I also loved the music they used. They used music from a lot of artists I love, like Lana Del Rey, Wu-Tang Clan and Die Antwoord,” Green stated.
The seasons of both the original Norwegian SKAM and remakes are available on a website called Dailymotion, with English subtitles included. It is a good show to watch if you are looking for a more real and diverse drama show. You get to compare and contrast the new aspects and the way other countries may interpret or change up the show and casting.
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