Autumn Lor
Staff Writer

The story that started as just a girl who committed suicide is now transitioned to a trial to see who is to blame for the decision of taking her life. The trial starts on episode two and ends on episode 12. As viewers, we’re able to see the different points of view because the story is told her different people when the characters are giving their testimony. Although most of the story is told from Clay’s point of view. Clay feels the most guilty because he thought that he could do more to save Hannah, the main character. Hannah committed suicide during her sophomore year due to bullying from some of her closest friends. When people on the stand told their point of view, Clay was the first one to have control on how to think, he listened to what he wanted to hear. He only sees the good in Hanna and doesn’t believe that Hannah could ever do inappropriate.
This show has changed the way many people think about the lives of high schoolers. People know that teenagers are sexually active and tend to do drugs but people don’t typically talk about rape. This show also shows that rape can be multiple things. In the first season, viewers knew about two of Bryce’s victims. In season 2, we learn all new things about him. After seeing him in season one, you wouldn’t think that he could do any more things, good or bad- but he did. Bryce is more than just your typical jock.
“Bryce has charismatic social life, people never distanced themselves from him. After all the bad things he did, everyone still wanted to be his friend,” said Science Leadership Academy Junior, James Klenk.
The trial revealed a lot more about Hannah than we knew. Zack’s Hannah’s friend who is a jock, testimony really shows people how Hannah felt when it came to relationships. Zack is the person that is friends with everyone, but he’s also the person that wants to fit in. After his testimony, he was able to become his real self. It’s unbelieve to think that it takes a trail for the real story to come out. “Hannah and Zack are OTP!” Klenk said with excitement.
In season one, the story ends with Alex get shot. SLA Sophomore Chandrea Lack thought that is was Tyler who did it turns out it was more than down. She stated, “Tyler isn’t the person who I thought he was. His personality changed about 3 times this season, but there wasn’t one that I liked.” Even though Tyler wasn’t the most liked person at their school, he was the only one who told the truth.
13 Reasons Why showed people what the truth can really do to people. Jessica didn’t tell her truth and the trail become longer than it needed. Lack stated, “Jessica made me feel pissed because she didn’t protect anyone when going on the stand, she could have helped herself and her friends.
This show isn’t something for everyone to watch. It’s a serious topic that everyone should talk about but not to watch. The ending of season two is something that the public has been talking about in the past couple of years. Gun violence can not be taken lightly and the ending of the show really shocked a lot of people.
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