"One time I was on the bus with my friend and this old creepy man followed us onto the bus and sat behind us saying really creepy things for the entire bus ride. He also asked us for dating advice and for our phone numbers." Molly Olshin, Junior.

"One time I was on the bus and this lady pulled her breasts out" Kilah Kemp, Senior.

"One time I was on the bus and a woman with a baby got on the bus. The baby was making baby noises which was fine, but then this old man behind me began imitating the baby noises at the top of his lungs for the ENTIRE bus ride." Leo Levvy, Sophomore

"One time I was on septa and this old homeless man began taking his clothes off and throwing them at people. Then he proceeded to ask people if they had clothing to spare."
Raeven Maddox, Senior

"One time I was waiting for the bus for an hour and it never came so I decided to walk to school. When I was a block or so from school, the bus passed me." Ian Fay, Freshman
Written by Isabela Supovitz-Aznar