Taylor Green
A&E Editor

What’s better than food for a dollar within walking distance? Literally nothing. That’s the beauty of the newly popular Ritual app. It has taken many big cities by storm in the past month, Philadelphia being one of them.
Ritual is a food app created by Canadian businessman Ray Reddy that eliminates the hassle of ordering food online. It gets rid of paying for delivery and any other inconveniences that one might face while waiting for their food to arrive to them. Some would say that it’s more convenient than apps like UberEats.
Ritual has been seen in quaint food places not only around the city, but in the vicinity of SLA. These places tend to be within a five or six minute walk, such as Fuji Mountain Sushi, Dolce Carini Pizza and the infamous Golden Lake.
The main appeal of the app is the Dollar Fest, a promotion that the app does every Wednesday that allows you to order certain meals from restaurants that are only one dollar. For example, you can get a poke bowl from The PokeSpot and even pretzel bites from the Philly Pretzel factory all for one dollar.
Another reason that Ritual became such a craze is because when you refer a friend, they get $10 of order credit when they first sign up. They don’t even need to use a credit card to buy something. You can even get $5 off on your first order at a new restaurant. This has made people speculate the reliability of the Ritual app, but so far no one has had any complaints.
Unlike other food apps, Ritual has a reward system that will keep you coming back. For every time you order, you earn points. When you get to 10,000 XP points, you earn $10 credit towards your next order. This is a good way to ensure that they’ll keep the consumers coming.
Senior Imani Murray, an avid Ritual user, raves about the App. “I’ve shared my code with so many people throughout the school. I’ve earned a lot of credits that I’ll be sure to use later.” Murray shares.
The app has served as a big convenience for many students among the SLA community. Many students have already downloaded the app, and have even shared their referral code. On Wednesdays when there are early dismissals, you can find most of the students on city streets looking for a new food spot to try or trying to convince a friend to use the app so that they can get $10 credit.
Senior Dayanna Hughes also shares about how the app has come in handy. “Sometimes, I don’t feel like spending a lot of money going out to eat. Ritual has let me save by allowing me to use credits or even try new food places for free.” Hughes says.
Ritual has become a big part of the SLA community, and if it continues with this amount of success it will only get bigger. This innovative app is sure to become a new Ritual among SLA students.
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