Image by Leticia Desouza.
Leticia Desouza
Staff Writer
It is finally fall and you can finally feel the vibes of cold and the approaching winter. With the season changing, more and more artists are coming out with new music that will fit that specific aesthetic. Big platforms like Youtube and Spotify, aswell as big social media like Instagram and Tiktok will promote these new songs. While some people do enjoy listening to the new tunes and lyrics artists have in hand, others take this as an opportunity to bash on other people’s interest in music.
There have been many cases where I went on social media to do my daily dose of scrolling and I noticed a discussion of how Person A doesn’t like what this artist dropped. Confused, I click on the discussion and to my surprise, the person who posted the thread is completely bashing the artist and their fanbase.
The more you scroll, the more you see that the discussion of a social media post turned into a warzone with flying body parts and limbs.
On one side you have the person who started it all. They are talking about how the artist doesn’t produce real music and that they shouldn’t even be popular and trending. And on the other side you have that artist fandom trying to defend their idol and their music.
In my opinion, I’m still highly confused on why music wars are happening to this day. Something that seems to be so childish is still a daily occurrence in the media we consume daily.
Don’t get me wrong, people are allowed to have their own opinions about the music they like and they don’t, but they shouldn’t start bashing other people for liking the opposite of their tastes.
I have always wondered why these events are such a high occurrence. Could it be that the person creating these wars is trying to get fame out of it, or are they just disrespectful human beings that bash on someone else’s taste in music.
I personally like to stay out of these wars. They seem very time consuming and a waste of my day. Though I do like sticking through some of them to see what they could be talking about.
Debating whether you like or don’t like someone’s music taste is not a place you get to decide. There are many other places where people can put the same energy to but for a greater cause. The world has many problems as it is, why not help solve them?
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