Rifa Islam, staff writer
The last thing you’d expect to find in the middle of the shopping life at Rittenhouse Square is a small and serene little park, but that’s exactly what’s there. If you blink you’ll miss John F Collins park, so keep your eyes open! Located on 1707 Chestnut Street, right between a little bagel shop and Buffalo Exchange, the park seems a bit out of place. While everyone is rushing to get to work, window shopping, or just having a laugh with friends,
this park stays still and offers a place for people to take a second to unwind from their hectic lives.
There are lime green tables with matching chairs, electric against the dark leaves spread out against the walls. It’s perfect for a cup of coffee and a snack with a friend after school or even for some alone time. Additionally, there are small wooden benches, protected by the canopy of trees above. Though the park is quite small, it doesn’t feel congested. There’s always plenty of space to walk through without bumping into anyone. Mr. Collins, the original designer of the park, definitely thought his plans through.
My favorite part of the park, hands down, is the big fountain. It brings all the elements of the park together like the centerpiece of a jigsaw puzzle. The sounds of water bring a sense of peace and relaxation, something we all need every now and then. You can always sit on the steps in front of the fountain for a closer view, or throw in a penny for good luck.
When you’re sitting in the park, it truly feels like you’re no longer in the city. It completely transports you to a different world, one where it’s okay to take a break. Living in a bustling city like Philadelphia can get a bit crazy at times. Sometimes the workload, deadlines, and even our personal lives can get to be too much to handle. This park is a perfect place to take a second off or to actually complete that assignment you keep forgetting to turn in. Wherever you are in life, this park can at least provide a pretty place to experience it.
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