Lauren Hummel - "Benchmarks are serious. They're a really big deal and time consuming."

Kristina Scalia-Jackson - "It was very unique and different. It was a nice experience to have and I learned that the teachers are always there to help you if you need it and as long as you ask you can get help."

Milahn Shurelds - "It wasn't hard but it wasn't easy. It was in the middle and it took a while to get the hang of project based learning."

Zoe Schwingel-Sauer - "It was pretty good. I learned that sometimes the social aspect takes over a little bit and you have to learn your teachers."

Isabella Mezzaroba - "It was interesting and different and I learned to be more insightful about things."
Click the “caption” button to see what they said!
Photos by Tytianna Broadwater. Interviews by Melanie Harrington.
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