Leo Braveman
Staff Writer

Back last year we had to have almost the whole year be online . I found my rithim and actually enjoyed online school. Usually when online school is brought up I hear about strong negative opinions – “it was so hard to learn, “I just coulden’t focus” or “it was just so boring” but I had a different experience.
To start I got to wake up at basically 9 am, and I didin’t have to commute to shcool. Classes were sometimes tough, and I did have technology rage to be fair, but when I had a problem my teacher would be understanding and I could normally find a solution. Secondly, breaks were amazing!! Whenever I had a long lunch break it was so nice to be at my house for it. I could take a nap, do school work, eat lunch, go on my phone and even go to the park with my friend. Finally, my favorite part of online school was being at home, although there were cons like not being as social, being at my own desk with more space felt like the nicest thing ever.
Because of this when I heard septa was planning a strike I was ecstatic. This meant all the old things for me, with more benchmark work time added, and I even made goals like going to the park everyday and going to the gym everyday. Although this didin’t happen I think school should think about the benefits of working from home. Maybe more study periods could be added, where kids could get work done and bounce from class to class. Or maybe kids could get out early on days where they had an advisory, if they were going home early for a purpose.
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