Nikki Adeli
Staff Writer

As the color of the trees change from summer’s green to autumn’s gold, the school work of SLA students begin to pile up. One of the essential tasks students must take on to complete their work, while fulfilling one of the school’s core values, is research. Whether it’s reading about a philosopher’s interpretation of the US constitution or the Ebola outbreak in the United States, the articles, as interesting as they might be, become heavy on the eyes. As a way to solve this predicament many SLA students might face, SLA Media has decided to launch a feature series called “One Page On…”.
The SLA Media Team knows the importance of students understanding current events. Understanding current events not only show how well informed students can be, but also show the potential they have to be social citizens who can form detailed opinions on any topic. On behalf of the entire SLA Media team, we hope that this series is helpful during benchmark season and serve as a reliable source for your bi-weekly 2fers!