On December 21, 2012 many of SLA’s alumni graduates came back for their Alumn Reunion. They were asked the Question “How did SLA help prepare you for college?”:
By Isabela Supovitz-Aznar
SLAMedia is a publication of the news for the Science Leadership Academy community. Writers come from the student body in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. We work in unison to create a functioning paper with biweekly postings on a variety of events.
By: Annisa Ahmed
Staff Writer
On Tuesday, November 27th, Senior Sasha Sapp and the Book Club Committee held their first ever meeting to discuss, well, books.
Before the meeting, Sapp was fairly worried for the turnout, as she was pacing back and forth constantly, looking around for the potential members. The Café was fairly empty and the senior was almost at her wits end.
Thankfully, as time approached closer and closer to the starting point, “her freshman,” as she called them, appeared, ready and willing to begin.
The final attendance was around 10 students, who enjoyed refreshments and also brought video cameras to document the event, as requested by Sapp’s capstone mentor, English Teacher Ms. Rami.
The books read for the meeting were Erin Morgenstern’s Night Circus, a fantasy novel about two proteges struggling to comply to the rules of a twisted carnival, and John Green & David Levithan’s Will Grayson, Will Grayson, which deals with flamboyant best friends, chance meetings and the change that comes as the outcome of both.
Stimulating conversations were a sure smash and although the group consisted of freshmen and seniors, the easygoing tone of the meeting was hardened with homemade food and a helping of salsa.
The meetings will happen monthly, with Sapp sending reminder e-mails in advance. If you are interested in the Book Club, feel free to contact Sasha via email: ssapp@scienceleadership.org. She would love to for any student of SLA to join.
Contact Information: aahmed2@scienceleadership.org
EduCon 2.4 took place January 27-29 in 2012 at Science Leadership Academy and The Franklin Institute.
Photos by Sam Lovett-Perkins
By Emilisa Lopez
Staff Writer
SLA has seen the start of various clubs during this school year. One of these clubs is the new SLA Step team.
Junior Loren Jenkins created the team after being inspired by cheerleading, and wanted to share her interest with the rest of SLA.
In her opinion, “SLA has interesting activities, but I really enjoyed doing this, and I thought that other people would enjoy it too.”
Her first step was to have it approved by two people, Principal Chris Lehmann and Counselor Zoe Siswick. She actually started this process her sophomore year.
Jenkins then began to look for members of the SLA community that were interested in joining. She created two trials, a trial for people interested and a trial for those who wanted to be on the team.
Once people went to the interest trial, they learned all about the step team and from that decided if they wanted to audition. If the people passed the audition, they became members of the team.
Their members are Senior Ashley Etheredge, Senior Brittany Riggins, Junior Chelsea Janette Smith, Senior Johniera McClain, Junior Jamelia Barrett, Freshman Khadijah Fofana, along with Jenkins as captain.